Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011


  1. Theorytical Review
1.      Definition of Inventory Card
Inventory Cards are places to record inventory that in and out in a company because of phurchases or sales in a periode.
Inventory Cards are giving information about inventory mutation, to based on time, kind, or registion system.
Inventory Cards are document to record, to shorten, and to intern a book of inventory.
So, Inventory cards are cards to record inventory mutation as subsidiary card in a company.
2.      Definition of Managing
Managing is to have under control and direction, to conduct, to guide, to administer, to treat, to handle.
3.      Definition Of Managing Inventory Card
Managing Inventory cards are registion, calculation about mutation inventory in a company because of purchase or sales in a periode.
4.      How To Manage Inventory Cards In KFTD SOLO
Sales part gets order from phone and form order from salesman.Invoice maker will record and then create and invoice maker will entering data to the computer and then printed it. Next, Sales invoices that have been printed, consisting 4 sheet (white, pink, yellow, and green) for billing process especially for narcotics and psychotropic’s order, it must pay cash. And then sales invoices is attached tax invoices, next delivered to warehouse department. Warehouse Department, prepares the order of customers according the sales Invoices. Next, don’t forget to registion mutation inventory out in the Inventory cards to each item and if there purchases, must registion mutation inventory in. In registion mutation Inventory out with including Date, invoices number, Customer or Supplier, No.Batch, E.D, In Column, Out Column, Balance, and Description.

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